Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Football Sunday? Peace Be With You, Brother

The time of year is upon us when wives, fiancés and girlfriends lose their husbands or boyfriends to that magical game known as football.  Week one of the NFL has been check marked, and as we roll into the second week of the season, there is undoubtedly still some tension in most households.  If you happen to be one of those families where neither party sees eye to eye when it comes to the worship and practice of this fanatical religion, consider a couple of these points to foster peace amongst yourselves.

-    Both Parties Should Maintain An Open Mind

While men are generally the majority sex that follows the sport of football, they can also be a teensy bit callous towards their female counterpart when the season rolls around.  Withdrawing into their own world, they need to keep a thankful heart that their wife/girlfriend/fiancé allows them to indulge; at the same token, they should also be aware of how their behavior can come off, and should go the extra mile towards pleasing her.  Buy her flowers or do the laundry for her in the morning before the game comes on.  Little acts like this can help both sides feel more at ease with the situation.

-    Invite People, Have Parties

Instead of making Sundays into a one or two-man job, invite several couples over so that both the men and women can mingle as desired.  There is even a chance that all parties will ultimately become engrossed in the football games, which will enhance the experience.

-    Wear Comfortable Clothes

While this might seem like a strange observation to make, the reality is no one wants to be enjoying a football game sitting around in a Sunday suit; the traditional day of rest should be treated as such.  Put on some comfortable shorts, sweatpants, your favorite team jersey and some Happy Feet shoes and slippers as you confidently claim you could perform the last play that the running back completed.  Even better, you can grab a pair of NFL slippers to complete the ensemble.  Follow these tips and you will certainly have a much more enjoyable season than in previous years; unless your team happens to have a losing season!


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