Friday, October 25, 2013

Stay Healthy This Winter

When the coldest times of the year come around, many people start to catch colds, the flu and generally end up in a sicker state more than any other time of the year.  There are quite a few factors involved in this, and some of the "traditional" thoughts on getting sick aren't necessarily accurate.  If you really want to build up an immunity and stay healthy and warm, take a look at some of these tips.

Get Some Sun

Most people tend to assume that they get sick from the colder weather, but the reality is that a lack of sun and absorption of the vitamin D contributes towards a weak immune system.  One tip is to try and take a vacation half-way through the winter, such as in late December or January.  A sunny vacation should boost you right up where you need to be.

Warmth Is Good

By the same token, you still want to make sure that you keep warm, and this especially means the extremities: hands, feet and the head.  Even investing in items such as animal slippers for a younger child, warm stockings and other articles of clothing can keep you warm and help save money on your energy bills at the same time.

Leave Stress Behind

Studies have proven that stress is a huge factor when it comes to catching colds, flus and other sicknesses.  During the colder months, take some steps to get stress out of your life, such as exercising regularly, working normal hours at your job and taking the time to hang with friends.

These are just a couple of steps one can take when it comes towards staying healthy and fit during the winter.  No matter what, make sure to eat healthy and stay warm, and you will undoubtedly be able to build up your immune system and greet the spring in good health.

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